PAHAR-People’s Association for Himalaya Area Research.

The name PAHAR comes from People’s Association for Himalaya Area Research.The idea of establishing this organisation came in 1977 but it was formally established in 1982.

PAHAR is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the fragile Himalayan environment and bringing together scientists, social activists, and common people to save the Himalayas.PAHAR fulfils several important roles that no government institution can. Part think tank, part research institute, and part activist body, PAHAR is best known for its publications on all aspects of Himalayan geography, culture, and politics. Under the guidance some of Uttarakhand’s preeminent historians, PAHAR has sponsored everything from archaeological expeditions to earthquake relief measures to social movement research. In these efforts, PAHAR has bypassed overly credentialed academic work for that jointly conducted by scientists, activists, and interested citizens.

PAHAR is a collective enterprise, possible by curiosity, hard work and research-oriented efforts of people who adore and love Himalayas.

PAHAR draws heavily from rich tradition of social movements of Uttarakhand-especially CHIPKO. The contributors are people with diverse interest-scientists, activists, environmentalists, litterateurs, journalist, artists, mountaineers and all those committed to a scientific understanding of Himalayan society, culture, history and environment.PAHAR’s multidisciplinary approach can be seen in its principal interest in the state of the natural environment and people of Uttarakhand. To this effect, PAHAR has led an epic foot pilgrimage or padyatra from the eastern to western end of Uttarakhand once every decade over the last forty years. Known as the Askot Arakot Abhiyan, the march endeavours to travel the length of Uttarakhand to collect valuable economic, social, and environmental data on the state of mountain communities. In keeping with PAHAR’s interest in culture and history, the march also aims to gather oral histories from various far flung parts of the state.

PAHAR says that although our constraints have time and again compelled ourselves to shrink back to Central Himalayas, we clam our definite fraternity to Nilgiri, Satpura, Aravalli, Alps and Andes or for that matter any other mountain of the World-young, mature or old. Besides the annual PAHAR (Mountain) encompassing various dimensions of MAN & Nature in Himalaya, we do publish small booklets/posters pertaining to the major problems of the Himalaya. We organize treks to peep into the inmost recesses of Himalaya and to discover marvellous people living therein.

PAHAR organises Seminars, discussions, and slide shows and brings out the nuances of various dimensions of the magnum opus of nature-the Himalaya have been arranged since 1982. The Askot-Arakot March 1984,1994,2004 Nandi Kund March 1985, Study Trek along Kali, Kuti, Dhauli reverse in 1986, and along the Gori Ganga river in 1987, CHIPKO Indus Expedition and CHIPKO Arunanchal Brahmaputra Expedition with D.G.S.M respectively in 1988 and 1992 and Jaulijibi-Madkot-Milam-Untadhura-Khingri Pass-Malari-Joshimath Trans Himalaya Expedition with N.T.M.C in 1989 to name a few, were among the major field study programs of PAHAR encompassing studies of more than 1000 villages of Central Himalaya.

Recently Pahar has completed 25 years. At this occasion various programs were organised.

Membership of PAHAR


Special Membership: Rs. 10,000 ($500), Life Time : Rs. 2000 ($250),Annual: Rs. 200 ($20)


Life Time : Rs. 10,000 ($500), Annual: Rs. 500 ($50)

All special and life time members would get the PAHAR’s annual edition and other books. Annual members would get one PAHAR’s annual edition.

You can send your DD or check or money order at “PAHAR,Nainital”. Add Rs. 50 for outstation checks.

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